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Busy translating KDE

Sorry for the lack of updates in my blog. I am very busy helping with translation of K Desktop Environment (or KDE for short) into Slovenian language. I have so far completed most of the apps in the KDEEdu category, which contains a lot of great tools for school and teaching like Kig (interactive geometry), KStars (astronomy), Kalzium (periodic table of elements) and many others. Targeted release date for KDE 3.3.0 final is August 18, so I will be busy for quite some time to come. If you can help us make KDE even better for Slovenian users, please visit this page. Thanks in advance!



Cassini sends first images of Saturn rings

Part of Saturn ringsToday I will be watching NASA TV live video stream showing some really astonishing images of Saturn rings that Cassini space craft is sending back to Earth. I have already seen some really nice raw images of density and banding waves and we were even lucky enough to see the edge of the Encke Division and some other gaps (which are caused by moons or strong resonances). So far so great and later on we will get images with even higher resolution.

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