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Free Software Magazine

FSM Issue 1While reading FootNotes yesterday one news title caught my eye: Free Software Magazine - issue 1 is out! Free Software Magazine (or FSM) is dedicated to all free software. Not just for Linux but for Windows and other operating systems also. High quality articles are first published in printed version and then after some time they are also released to public under some free license, like GNU Free Documentation License for example. You can then download PDFs of the whole issue or read articles online in HTML format. Tony Mobily (editor in chief) and his team are determined to stay on the scene for a long time. I wish them all the luck. And don't forget, to support excellent articles and have early access to them, you can also subscribe to receive the printed magazine.

Issue 0 and 1 are already out for a free download. You can get them here or if you are using some ED2K compatible application (eMule, xMule, ...) you can download and share PDFs using links posted here.

Če iščete stran z zastonj datotekami in prenosi za eMule, si vsekakor oglejte tole stran.

If you are looking for a page with free emule downloads, be sure to check out this page.
Hvala za povezavo do brskalnika Firefox. Res je veliko boljši od Internet Explorerja.

LP, Andrej
Tud jest sm probov ta Firefox in ga zdej tud uporabljam. Res zakon zadeva. IE sm pa stran vrgu, se tud primerjat ne more s Firefox.
Ni problema Andrej. Dandanes moraš bit precej za svetom če še kar uporabljaš IE in ne poznaš Firefoxa. Le kdo bi bil toliko neumen da bi uporabljal zastarel in nevaren brskalnik kot je IE; ko pa mamo modern, varen, hiter in precej naprednejši Firefox.
Se strinjam z vsemi zgoraj. IE je total podn od podna. Firefox je tisto pravo.
Aja pa res je zakon tale Free Software Magazine.

Lep pozdrav
BTW folk, zunej je že Firefox 1.0.2. Čimprej si ga dejte gor!

Gregor: FSF je res zlo v redu revija. Predlagam ti da si ogledaš tudi revijo TUX.
Vau! Ta Firefox je pa res super! Škoda da sem šele sedaj zvedel zanj. Drugače bi že zdavnaj nehal uporabljat Internet Explorer.
Točno tak. Ko sem še Internet Explorer uporabljala sem samo viruse pa tak dobivala. S Firefoxom teh problemov ni. Pa še po funkcijah je neprimerno boljši.
Firefox: One browser to rule them all!
Tud mene IE ne vid več. Je Firefox preveč dobr.
Firefox 1.0.3 je že zunaj. Namestitev obvezna!
Še ena nova zadovoljna uporabnica Firefoxa :) Katja
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