No more work on Mozilla Suite
Back in 2003 Mozilla Foundation announced it will be shifting its development focus away from Mozilla Suite and towards a new generation of applications - web browser Firefox and e-mail client Thunderbird. A couple of days ago they decided to complete the shift and stop any major work on Mozilla Suite. So 1.7 will be the final stable branch. There have been a couple of 1.8 alphas and betas but these were only used to test some back-end changes and there will be no release of stable 1.8 version by Mozilla Foundation. Yet a lot of people still prefer Mozilla Suite (here in Slovenia mostly because Thunderbird is still not translated into our mother language) and some developers would still like to continue working on it. Perhaps we will someday see some form of Mozilla from enhanced sourcecode, but it will probably be branded under a different name. Mozilla Foundation will still provide infrastructure support (CVS access, bugzilla, development tools, etc) for this development. For the most of us the future is in Firefox, Thunderbird, Sunbird, Nvu and other separate Mozilla based projects.
Read more here:
Mozilla Application Suite - Transition Plan