Software patents very dangerous again!
Thanks to selfish, corrupted or simply stupid politicians like Charlie McCreevy and José Manuel Barosso software patents are again an extremely big danger for people, open source developers and small and medium companies. Despite the strong and clear opposition to current form of the directive on software patentability, above mentioned politicians have decided not to listen to all of us, JURI and European Parliament and said no to much needed renewal process for the badly written directive. A very said decision for all of us and an extremely sad day for democracy.
Don't forget to fight against software patents by blogging about this and telling you friends and coworkers about the danger!
Read more about this here:
- Commission won't restart patents directive, DG MARKT fears balanced approach
- MEP Alvaro (ALDE): Barroso's decision an affront to European Parliament
- European Banana Union: EU Commission declines EP's request for restart