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Mandrake becomes Mandriva

Mandriva Linux logoFrom this day forward Mandrake is no more. The French company, famous for their simple to use Linux distribution, has changed the name into Mandriva. There are two primary reasons for this step. Firstly, Mandrakesoft - Conectiva merger needs a new identity. Furthermore, they avoid a long-winding trademark lawsuit with Hearst Corporation. It is time to update your bookmarks to Mandriva Linux, Mandriva Club and other web pages

You can read more in this press release:
Mandrakesoft Announces Name Change!

I think their new name is pretty messed up. I liked Mandrake alot better.
I also like the old name more. But as I remember when I first heard the name Mandrake it also sounded as silly as Mandriva. I think I will get used to the new name too. But I guess the name doesn't matter so much, as long as they contine to produce such a nice Linux distribution.
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