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emule free download

eMule logoVisitors, who come to my blog from results of web search engines (like Google), are most frequently searching for the phrase emule free download. If you've come here this way, them be sure to check out eMule Content Database, where people post links to many free and open source downloads. In case you know about some cool application, music or other free file, that is not listed, be sure to add it. I'm also one of the moderators of the page, so if you have any question or you find some illegal content be sure to contact me.

Upgrade to Firefox 2.0!

Another thing I noticed in the blog statistics is that almost all people, who are searching for free eMule downloads, are still using old and insecure browser Internet Explorer. If you belong to this group of visitors, the first thing you should download with eMule is some modern and secure browser like Mozilla Firefox. Don't wait until you get a nasty virus or spyware through IE and it is too late. Get Firefox now!

[SLO] Mozilla Firefox je na voljo tudi v slovenskem jeziku.

Very interesting how people get to web sites :D
Yeah and how some are still stupid enough to use this crappy, dangerous IE browser.
People be smart and download Mozilla Firefox or Opera.
Kurt, no need to use harsh words like this. But unfortunately you are right. Many people either don't even know there is a much better browser available or, even worse, they know and are too lazy to install it. And for those who know how dangerous IE is and still don't install and use a safer browser... well I guess there is no help for those :(
Well, sis, after a quick look at statistics it looks like there is not much difference between different countries. So it looks like most of our fellow Slovenians, who search for this particuar combination, also don't know yet what a good browser is. I hope they find out soon and are not too lazy to try it out. I'm sure they will never want to go back to IE after that.

Most people are just amazed that there can be something so much better and completely free when I show them Firefox. And they are sorry later that they didn't start using Firefox sooner. But I'm sure you already know this, sis :)
Od včeraj tudi jaz uporabljam Firefox. Sem slišal že prej ampak se nisem odločil za preizkus. Zaenkrat dela super in zavihki so res uporabni. Tako da se strinjam, obvezno preizkusite Firefox. Imam občutek da jo bom še dolgo uporabljal.
Pametno, Davorin. Upam da nisi edini. Kaj pa drugi? Zakaj sploh še uporabljate Internet Explorer?
Choosing IE over Firefox/Opera is as foolish as choosing an expensive and broken car over a free Ferrari.

Giovanni, a proud Firefox user form Italy :)
Izgleda da tudi ostali Slovenci počasi prihajajo k pameti. V zadnjem letu jih je kar 10% preklopilo z IE na Firefox.
I agree, using Internet Explorer is on of the most stupid things you can do. Anything is better then IE and Firefix is the best of the best.
You can now count me too as a new Firefox user. I decided to try it a few days ago after seeing this post and all the positive comments about it. And now I see what you all are talking about. No more old IE for me :) Thanks to all of you.

Klemen, Maribor, Slovenia, EU
IE belongs to trash. Firefox is first class. The best browser you can get.
Že prej sem uporabljal Mozillo 0.x, potem sm prešel na Firefox in Thunderbird, tko da ? Kva je to Internet Explorer ;)?
And to think that some people are still using IE 5 or even older. A complete disaster. Bad browsers like IE should be banned by law.
I don't know a single person who knows at least a little bit about computers who is still using Internet Explorer. All have switched to Firefox or Opera.
Ne poznam niti enega človeka, ki ve vsaj malo o računalnikih, ki bi še vedno uporabljal Internet Explorer. Vsi so pričeli uporabljat Firefox ali Opero.
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