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Dust Puppy inside Enterprise D

Captain's Log - Stardate 20050528.8: While on an important scientific mission the computer core on the starship Enterprise D suddenly experienced an emergency shutdown. After conducting a thorough investigation it became clear that the well known life-form called Dust Puppy caused overheating of the central processing unit. The shutdown temperature threshold of 75°C was reached while running the intensive computing algorithms for Einstein@Home project. Using the standard Starfleet issue vacuum cleaner the intruder has been removed and NCC-1701-D is again operating within normal parameters (45°C - 50°C under full load). Let us hope that the next encounter with Dust Puppy is far away in the future.



Stay away from Intel Pentium D and i945 chipset

Yesterday Intel have officially launched the new i945 chipset and new dual-core Pentium D CPUs. But they have a little dirty secret that Intel would like to hide from us. The new chipset and processors come with Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) technology enabled. What this means is that greedy people like RIAA, MPAA and Microsoft now have the ability to control what music we can listen, what movies we can watch and, in the extreme case, what software can we use. I don't know about you, but I most certainly wouldn't buy hardware or software that takes away my right and freedom to use my computer in the way I want to use it. So all I can say is: "Stay as far away as possible from Intel Pentium D processors and Intel i945 chipsets!"

News source:
Digit Online News - Intel quietly adds DRM to new chips
More on DRM:
Why DRM is bad for all



[SLO] Hevreka! - Okrogla miza o programskih patentih

V EU nočemo programskih patentov!Na tem blogu sem že večkrat pisal o programskih patentih. To pa zato, ker je to izredno pomembna tema za vse nas. Verjetno si ne želite manjše izbire pri programski opremi, trga brez konkurence in posledično višjih cen (pogosto že sedaj astronomsko dragih) programov. Evropski parlament bo 5. in 6. julija glasoval o zloglasni direktivi o programskih patentih. Če bo direktiva sprejeta, potem lahko pričakujemo, da bo izginil marsikateri projekt proste programske opreme. Mogoče tudi pisanje blogov ne bo več brezplačno in ne bo več take izbire ponudnikov prostora in programja za bloge. Ne pustimo jim, da nam vzamejo besedo in svobodo izbire!

Preden pa stopite v akcijo, bi morda o nevarnosti programskih patentov radi izvedeli več. Odlična priložnost za to se vam ponuja 25. maja ob 15:00 na prireditvi Hevreka! (Gospodarsko razstavišče). Tam bo potekala mednarodna okrogla miza z naslovom Patenti za programsko opremo - da ali ne? Zanimivo je, da za okroglo mizo iščejo tudi slovensko podjetje, ki bi direktivo zagovarjalo, a ga nikakor ne uspejo najti. Nič čudnega, kdo pa bi bil toliko neumen, da bi podpiral tako nevarno in škodljivo direktivo.

Več o tem si preberite na tej strani:



More than 5000 visits

About four months ago I have put up a counter on my blog (thanks to a free service at StatCounter.com). Sometime in the middle of the night the counter has passed the 5000 mark. In the last couple of days there are around 90 visits per day. I have never expected to see so many visitors.

Most visitors use Firefox browser (66%). Internet Explorer follows with 21% and its share is falling steadily every month. The top three operating systems used are: Windows XP (79%), Linux (13%) and Mac OS X (4%). Most of you come from USA (38%), Germany (10%) and Slovenia (7%).

Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you can find something interesting and useful here. If you have any suggestion (or maybe a compliment) about the looks or the content you are more than welcome to write it into a comment.



Free Software Magazine - Issue 3 - April 2005

FSM Issue 3It is a couple of days late but the third issue of Free Software Magazine is finally available as a free download (you can also get it with eMule/aMule). Articles in the April 2005 issue are:



Firefox 1.0.4 and new 64-bit Firefox for Windows XP x64

Firefox logoDuring the past week several critical security bugs were found in Firefox web browser. And before you know it they already release a new version 1.0.4 that fixes them all. This is one reason why Firefox is the best browser. It is one of the safest and when they find some problem it is fixed in a couple of days or even hours. In version 1.0.4 they have also fixed a DHTML/DOM related bug. So upgrade to the new version as soon as possible.

There is also a new 64-bit binary build of Firefox available for 64-bit Windows XP x64. It now comes with support for scalable vector graphics (SVG) enabled. You can get more than 3400 SVG images at Open Clip Art Library. They are completely free. Oh and by the way, SVG is also enabled in normal Firefox nightlies. So you can expect to see it when Firefox 1.1 comes out.



TUX Magazine - Issue 2 - May 2005

TUX - Issue 2 - May 2005Even though it is one month late, the second issue of TUX Magazine is now available for a free download. In May 2005 issue you can read all about playing movies with Xine and Totem, listening to the music with Rhythmbox and instant messaging with Gaim. You will see how to add more PDF power to OpenOffice.org and how to use copy&paste with it. There is also a review of AbiWord and an article about screensavers in Linux. Using file managers is explained and there are some tips and tricks for The GIMP.

A free subscription and download is available on the official web page. You can also get the new issue with eMule/aMule and BitTorrent (only for newer clients with support for magnet links, like Azureus From now on we can expect the new issues to be published monthly.

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